Best SEO Tips for Small Business Websites

Small business owners need to create the best website they can, that scores well with search engines and also provides the value people want when they come to visit your website. This is a tall order. You not only need to satisfy your customers or visitors, but also Google, Bing and other search engines.

SEOThere are a few ways to do this. The first is to make use of Search Engine Optimization or SEO. If you have an email address you probably have received an email trying to sell you SEO or some software that automates the whole process.

You don’t need to purchase an expensive software application or hire a well paid consultant to do a good job at SEO. SEO is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” listings on search engines.

The best advice I can give is to forget about the search engines. Start by creating the best content that you can. Provide engaging articles that are unique. Write about what you know best, your own small business.

Tell the world everything you know about your business. Write often. Write detailed posts or pages that are of value to anyone who would come to your business.

The key is to write about what your customers want to hear about. That is how your business can help them fulfill some need or want in their life. Think of your customer. Write from their perspective. We all want to know, “What’s in it for me?” Tell them.

If you have created great content that gives your customers what they want then the SEO is easy. Many WordPress themes come with SEO options built right in. The best small business WordPress theme that I know of is the SmallBiz theme by Expand2web.Expand 2 Web WordPress theme

On each page or post you will need to scroll down the page and fill in three fields. These are the custom title tag, the meta description and the meta keywords.

The custom title tag is a title other than the title of you page. Use this if you want the title in the search engine results page to be different than the actual page title. You can think of what value your page has for customers when you do this.

The meta description is the page description. This is what will appear after the title on the search engine result page. By default search engines use the first 150 characters of your first paragraph. This may or may not be what your article is about. Think of a good description for your page and put it here.

The meta keywords are the keywords that you believe people would enter in a search to find your page. They can be phrases or short sentences. You will need to separate each phrase or keyword by commas. For instance this page may have keywords of “SEO for small business, how to score well with search engines”, or something like that.

The SmallBiz, small business WordPress theme takes care of the rest. If you have created a great page then these SEO fields should be easy to fill in.
Thanks for reading: Best SEO Tips for Small Business Websites

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