Blogger seo: Seo friendly post title for blogger

Post title is a very important fact for your blog. Now a days meta-keyword tag is getting less importance to search engines. Title is getting much importance. So you should be very careful to use it properly. It is not only for blogger seo / blogger blog but also for all kind of blog.

Seo friendly post title for blogger,seo friendly title,how to make title seo friendly,importance of title,seo friendly post title

An attractive title attract visitors and also attract search engines. It carries a gist of your site or post. When you will write about something think about it's title.You should think which type of  title will attract visitors.

You must give your targeted keyword into title. But never make title too large and complex. Try to keep it normal,clear,attractive,informative and acceptable. Never use false title because it may increase site's bounce rate.
Seo friendly post title for blogger,seo friendly title,how to make title seo friendly,importance of title,seo friendly post title
See the image carefully. I have searched by a keyword. My keywords is in post title. That is why google is showing this site's post.

This is very effective way to get good result in search ranking. So, always try to keep your targeted keyword into your post's title.
Do not make your post's title extra large. Keep is short,smart,informative and seo friendly. So that your posts become attractive to search engines and visitors. Also try to make your post seo friendly. 

I will write a post about: How to write seo friendly post in blogger.
Bye now!

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